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What is Condivisual?

Condivisual is a platform for sharing art and creating a network among other artists. From the Italian word “condividere” and visual the translation would equate to "sharingvisuals”. From photography to illustration, from creative writing to fashion feel free to send us your works and set up you own page.


Condivisual is built to create connections and to keep you updated with your local scene. 

Condivisual  is built to encourage people to collaborate thus giving birth to new fresh situations.

Condivisual  is built to create a scene, a movement of young artists that want to emerge.

How do I get started?

Send an email To with your photos via wetransfer or similar. Write a short description of yourself and attach a photo of you.

Have a description for your project, have an order for your photos and an album cover photo. Once that has been done await the photos to be processed. Now you are a member of Condivisual and you can share your work in a professional way.

Created by Alexander Frizzera & Davide Giarolli

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